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Initiative for Women Miners in Africa (IWoMA) Shines Spotlight on Child Mining with New Book: "Beyond the Mines: Rescuing Childhood in Africa"

5 Apr 2024

The Initiative for Women Miners in Africa (IWoMA) is proud to announce the release of its groundbreaking book, "Beyond the Mines: Rescuing Childhood in Africa," shining a spotlight on the urgent issue of child mining across the continent.

Child mining remains a pervasive and deeply concerning issue, with millions of children subjected to hazardous work conditions in mines across Africa. "Beyond the Mines" delves into the multifaceted nature of this problem, exploring its root causes, impact on children's rights and well-being, and innovative solutions to combat it.


Through a comprehensive examination of the issue, "Beyond the Mines" reveals the harsh realities faced by children forced into labor in the mining sector, from exposure to dangerous conditions to denial of their fundamental rights to education and safety. The book also highlights the resilience and courage of communities working tirelessly to protect children and create a future free from exploitation.


"We are proud to present 'Beyond the Mines: Rescuing Childhood in Africa' as a call to action to address the urgent issue of child mining," said Dr. Comfort Asokoro – Ogaji, Executive Director of IWoMA. "This book serves as a powerful tool to raise awareness, drive advocacy, and mobilize stakeholders to take concrete steps to protect the rights and well-being of African children."


"Beyond the Mines" offers a compelling narrative backed by research, case studies, and insights from experts and stakeholders in the field. It provides a roadmap for action, outlining strategies for empowering communities, advocating for policy reforms, and fostering collaboration between governments, NGOs, and the private sector.


As part of its commitment to advancing the cause of women and children in the mining sector, IWoMA invites stakeholders, policymakers, and the public to join the conversation and take action to ensure a future where every African child can grow up safe, healthy, and free from exploitation.


"Beyond the Mines: Rescuing Childhood in Africa" is available here. For more information about the book and IWoMA's work, visit




Dr. Comfort Asokoro-Ogaji

Executive Director

Initiative for Women Miners in Africa (IWoMA)


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